Cook With San Diego County Library: Cowboy Cookies

If you’ve ever wished you could eat a cookie that was having an identity crisis, then the “Cowboy Cookies” recipe in the American Girl: Sweet and Savory Treats Cookbook is the one you’ve been waiting for! Chocolate chips, oatmeal, coconut, walnuts, cinnamon; this recipe has it all. While this mix of flavors and textures could have resulted in an absolute disaster, it actually produced some tasty treats.

Since any baking in our house is done with the assistance of kiddos - whether that assistance is helpful or not - this recipe was a great choice.

Although the ingredient list was as long as my arm, everything required was something we had on hand. The process was quite simple as well, with all my kiddos able to follow along and assist in some way. The result was a straightforward baking process with minimal cleanup required.

If baking with pint-sized assistance is the reality in your house as well, I highly recommend checking out a few cookbooks from our children’s collection to create your holiday treats. Children’s cookbooks generally have simpler instructions while still producing delicious results.