Cook With San Diego County Library: Jam Bake

Librarian Jenne loves jam, so she recently incorporated it in some delicious cookies!

“I love to make jams and preserves, but I don’t really eat a lot of toast, so they end up just sitting on my counter looking pretty and not getting used.

This being the case, I was excited to find Camilla Wyn’s Jam Bake and its interesting recipes both for jam AND for things to use it in!

The book starts out with a detailed and user-friendly guide to canning and preserving, including explanations of the needed equipment and ideas on how to create your own flavors.

The main portion of the book pairs a recipe for a preserve and a recipe for a baked good that uses it, and gives the option to make the item with store-bought preserves as well.

The recipe I tried was for ‘Whipped Shortbread Thumbprints,’ which suggests an apricot and cocoa nib jam, but I used plum jam and kumquat marmalade that I already had on hand!

The cookie dough has cornstarch in it, which gives a beautifully light texture, and it went really well with both flavors of jam.

Highly recommended for:
People who already make jam but want some exciting new flavor ideas.
People who have never made jam before and would like to start.
People who have some jam and need to do something with it.”

Check out this and more jam-packed recipes.