Cook With San Diego County Library: The Complete One Pot

Are you ready for something delicious? Our Library Tech Sandra says you should check out America’s Test Kitchen: The Complete One Pot cookbook!

“It is filled with easy meals that use just one pot, making cooking and cleanup a breeze. My son was visiting for the holidays and joined me in this culinary adventure. He made an excellent sous chef and kept the operation running smoothly.

The star of the night was the Pan-Seared Paprika Salmon with Spicy Green Beans. It literally took five minutes to make the smoked paprika rub and start cooking the salmon. One quick wipe down and the pan was ready for the green beans. The results were better than I could ever have dreamed. The salmon was tender with crispy skin, and the flavor was subtle, but oh so addictive, while the green beans were crisp with a nice garlic touch.

But wait…what meal would be complete without a sweet surprise? We chose the Easy Chocolate Chunk Brownies dessert, which was also quick and easy since it uses one pan for delicious chocolaty, gooey goodness.

With easy-to-follow recipes and minimal ingredients, the preparation and cooking did not take long. Both Dominic and I highly recommend this cookbook for those busy nights when you don’t have a lot of time to whip up dinner or you want something quick and delicious.”

Check out this title.