The King of Horror’s Not-So-Scary Side

As we get closer to the ghouls and goblins season, let’s take a look at one of those authors who have transcended the spooky genre to become bigger than the books they wrote.

If you are thinking of Stephen King, so are we! King can easily be credited with reviving the horror genre in the late 20th century, but the king of horror has many other hidden sides.

From creating one of the most elaborate plans to escape from jail, to time traveling and showing us what friendship is all about, Stephen King has found endless ways to keep us glued to the pages - and sometimes to the screen - since many of his stories have made their way into theaters.

But if you are looking for more than just chills, here are five of the king of horror’s non-horror works:

Different Seasons

The Green Mile


On Writing

Danse Macabre