What is a Beach Read Anyway?

Here in San Diego, where the beach might be a block away or just down the mountain, a “beach read” can be any book you take with you to spend a few idle hours in the sun. But for people not living in such close proximity to a large body of water, beach reads are quick, lighthearted books that won’t force you to think too hard.

Imagine you are going on vacation and you want to take a book with you. You only get away a few times a year (if you are lucky) and you want to make sure the story keeps you relaxed, carefree, and entertained. What would you choose? Whether it is a happily-ever-after romance, a thriller where the hero saves the day and the villain gets their comeuppance, or even a non-fiction book that soothes the soul, a beach read should keep you in the mood to enjoy your respite from the rat race.

Beach Reads

List created by SDCountyAdults

Fun, funny, or happily-ever-after books to while away the hours.

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